Data tools: less can be more

The explosion of interest in data analysis has led to a wider audience participating in the development of new methods and tools to help gain new insight. Careers in Data Science are relatively new, but…

Disorganised storage shelves

Understanding types of data

Good data visualisation communicates meaning to a wide audience in an unambiguous way. Unfortunately, a lot of data visualisation is not so effective and communicating meaning. There can be many reasons for this, from not…

Applied analytics for Cyber Physical Systems

From the National Institute of Science and Technology definition of a Cyber Physical System: “Cyber-Physical Systems or “smart” systems are co-engineered interacting networks of physical and computational components. These systems will provide the foundation of…

Systems that reason

It is commonplace for autonomous systems to be referred to as smart systems. These are characterised by features such as high availability, the ability to repair themselves and possessing intelligence to be able to manage…

The importance of analytics

Everybody is talking about analytics. Together with Artificial Intelligence or AI all of our business problems will be solved apparently. Analytics sounds like analysis, so it is natural to make the comparison to try and…