Applied analytics for Cyber Physical Systems

From the National Institute of Science and Technology definition of a Cyber Physical System: “Cyber-Physical Systems or “smart” systems are co-engineered interacting networks of physical and computational components. These systems will provide the foundation of…

Systems that reason

It is commonplace for autonomous systems to be referred to as smart systems. These are characterised by features such as high availability, the ability to repair themselves and possessing intelligence to be able to manage…

The importance of analytics

Everybody is talking about analytics. Together with Artificial Intelligence or AI all of our business problems will be solved apparently. Analytics sounds like analysis, so it is natural to make the comparison to try and…

What is model checking?

As software systems become more complex, and we use rapidly developing technologies to connect systems together to achieve new objectives, the scope for the introduction of errors increases. Such errors may cost an organisation money…

Making manufacturing formal

If we take the `buzz’ around Industry 4.0, and the resurgence of interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI), add a sprinkling of imagination, and we end up with some fantastic possibilities for manufacturing systems of the…

Dealing with IoT time

One factor that motivates industrial organisations to adopt Internet of Things (IoT) technologies is the potential to be able to monitor, control and coordinate processes remotely. This opens up new possibilities for collaboration across manufacturing…